

A husband, tired of his wife asking him how she looks, buys her a full length mirror. However, this does little to help, as now she just stands in front of the mirror, looking at herself, asking him how she looks. Then one day, fresh out of the shower, she is yet again in front of the mirror, now saying ...

A young couple got married and the wife couldn’t cook But they were still in the honeymoon phase, so the first night after they got home, the husband comes home from work and the wife says “I’m sorry I burned dinner.” So the husband says “That’s all right honey let’s just make love.” The second night, he comes home from ...

After a tiring day, a young lady settled down in her local train seat and closed her eyes. As the train rolled out of the station, the guy sitting next to her, pulled out his cell phone and started talking in a loud voice “Hi Sweetheart, its Rajaram I’m on the  Train” “Yes, I know it’s Six thirty and not ...

A man walked into work on Monday with two black eyes. His boss asked what happened. The man said, “I was sitting behind a big woman at church. When we stood up to sing hymns, I noticed that her dress was caught in her crack, so I pulled it out. She turned around and punched me square in the eye.” ...

Sister Mary Katherine lived in a nunnery, a block away from Jack’s liquor store in Dublin… One day, she came into the store and said, “Oh Jack, give me a pint o’ the brandy.” “Sister Mary Katherine,” exclaimed Jack, “I could never do that!” “I’ve never sold alcohol to a nun in my life!” “Oh Jack,” she responded, “it’s for ...

A young wife from Montana had an appointment with her doctor to ask for advice on how to treat her husband’s lack of s.x drive ever since his motorcycle accident 12 months ago. “Have you tried Viagra?” the doctor asked. “Not a chance,” the young lady replied, “he doesn’t even take aspirin.” “Not a problem,” the doctor replied, “just give ...

My 3-year-old son had a hard time with potty training and I was on him all the time. One day we stopped by McDonald’s to pick up a quick bite to eat between errands. The restaurant was packed. As I was enjoying my burger, I got a really unpleasant whiff of something. First, I checked my 7-month-old daughter, but she ...

Woman’s husband had been slipping in and out of a coma for several months, yet she had stayed by his bedside every single day. One day, when he came to, he motioned for her to come nearer. As she sat by him, he whispered, eyes full of tears, “You know what? You have been with me through all the bad ...